The following client decision list is intended to suggest some (not all) issues to be considered
Children Decisions
- Sole decision making by one parent
- Joint decision-making, but residence primarily with one parent
- Split residence and decision making
- Which decisions need mutual consent/discussion?
- Weekdays/Weekends
- Holidays and long weekends
- School recesses
- Summer vacations
- Birthdays – Parents & children
- Other special occasions
- Telephone calls
- Notice of changes
- Expenses of missed times
- Foreign travel
- Relocation with the children
- Doctors, dentists, etc.
- Schools and teachers
- Addresses and phone numbers
- Illnesses and accidents
- Children’s whereabouts
Support Decisions
- Amount
- Date of payment
- Cost of Living Adjustments
- Amount or reduction on emancipation of one child
- Age
- College
- Marriage
- Living away from home
- Employment
- College or private school Tuition
- Child care costs
- Summer camp/activities
- Extracurricular activities
- Insurance coverage
- Procedures for claims filing and reimbursement
- Payment for uncovered expenses
- Decisions on elective procedures, including orthodontia
- Dental, prescription, eyeglasses, psychotherapy expenses
- Amount
- Duration
- Type
- Beneficiary
- Trustee for children
- Amount of cash value
- Amount
- Cost of living adjustment
- Time of payment
- Duration
Equitable Distribution
- If marital home is sold, who occupies until sale?
- Who pays expenses until sale on:
- Mortgage, taxes, utilities, insurance, repairs
- When?
- Age or graduation of children, remarriage or cohabitation
- Selling price: How to be determined?
- Option to buy
- Expenses of sale
- Division of proceeds
- Capital gains exposure
- Who remains in house
- Valuation of home
- Division of value: lump sum and/or payout
- Method of valuation
- Division of value: lump sum and/or payout
- Valuation
- Division of value: lump sum and/or payout
- Bank accounts and liquid assets
- Stocks, bonds, tax shelters
- Cars
- Jewelry
- Collectibles
- Household furniture
- Family photographs
- Effects of waivers
- Provisions for children of this marriage
- Liability or refunds on past returns
- Future filings
- Child Dependency Exemptions
- How to divide legal costs, filing fees and expert witness fees, including accountants, appraisers, etc.