1365 West Foothill Boulevard Suite 2
Upland, CA 91786
Phone: (909) 920-0908
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Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell - Providing Over 20 Years of Industry Leading Experience in Family Law, Business Law and Criminal Law
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News: Criminal Defense

Starting or Changing the Structure of a Business? Come to Attorney Torrence L. Howell for All your Legal Needs

Starting or Changing the Structure of a Business? Come to Attorney Torrence L. Howell for All your Legal NeedsWhether you’re just starting a business or you’ve had your own company for years and you’re looking into changing its structure, it’s incredibly important to seek out legal advice and support. Attorney Torrence L. Howell specialized in business law, positioning him in the perfect spot to address all your legal concerns and handle all legal matters pertaining to your business diligently.

Starting a Business

You’ve got a vision for what you want to do, how you want to do it, and when. Your business plan is complete, your business partner is raring to get started, and you’re always jotting down ideas for your new company. Congratulations, entrepreneur! Starting a business is an extremely exciting step. But there are some legal matters that should definitely take top priority in your mind. Come speak with attorney Torrence L. Howell and he’ll walk you through all the necessary legal steps so your business will be in line with all laws, and protected against all kinds of bumps along the way to success. He has handled the legal sides of businesses for 29 now, so you can trust him to handle every detail of your business’ legal needs.

LLC or Corporation?

One of the most frequently-heard questions in the law offices of Torrence L. Howell is, “when starting a business, should it be an LLC or a corporation?” It’s a valid question that needs to be answered with utmost care, especially because choosing the wrong option could be very detrimental financially. Attorney Howell would be happy to discuss the unique circumstances of your business and explain which option would be right for your situation, but as a general rule, people choose an LLC because they:

  • Plan to hold appreciable assets and don’t want to pay double taxes on them
  • Want to avoid personal liability for business debts
  • Will have few investors, most of whom are also involved in the business
  • Don’t mind recording business profits and losses on their personal income tax return
  • It’s pretty simple and inexpensive to run, and involves very little paperwork

People choose a corporation structure because they:

  • Plan to issue stock
  • Want to offer fringe benefits to owners
  • Want to take advantage of income splitting in a highly profitable business
  • Wish to leave the family business to heirs by gifting shares
  • Don’t mind double taxation
  • Don’t mind extra rules regarding documentation of corporate decisions and activities

Considering a Change of Your Business’ Structure

If you already have a business, but you’re considering changing its legal structure, it’s essential that you speak with a knowledgeable, experienced lawyer right away—Torrence L. Howell. The way a business is legally structured impacts the amount of taxes you will be required to pay, and it also impacts how you are protected from creditors. Come to a consultation so Attorney Howell can learn about your business and determine if it would be to your advantage to change your corporate structure, and if so, how exactly to do it. He will make sure your corporate structure is to your utmost advantage—so you can focus on your business strategy and other more pressing matters.

Schedule a free initial consultation with Torrence L. Howell today by calling (909) 920-0908, emailing info@torrencelhowelllaw.com, or use the “Chat with us!” window at the bottom right of this page.

Enlist Attorney Torrence L. Howell’s expertise when your business is changing owners

Enlist Attorney Torrence L. Howell’s expertise when your business is changing ownersSelling a business isn’t remotely like selling an iPhone on Craigslist. It’s not even close to just listing your price, picking a place to meet, and handing over the merchandise. Most people don’t realize that things can go horribly wrong when selling a business, and that there are many legal details that must be taken care of for your protection.

Legal Nuances

There are many legal nuances that must be considered to avoid future legal issues. Your sales contract needs to list every single detail that’s being transferred—from the furniture to the computer programs to the lists of customers, and everything in-between.

Work with the best

Don’t hire some random nobody lawyer to assist you will such an important business transaction. Don’t put your future financial security at risk. Schedule a free consultation with Torrence L. Howell—you’ll see that he’s very knowledgeable about business ownership and structural changes, and he’ll patiently walk you through each step. It’s always so much better to be safe than sorry.

Call (909) 920-0908 to schedule a free consultation today.

Count on Torrence L. Howell to positively resolve your business dispute in or out of court

Count on Torrence L. Howell to positively resolve your business dispute in or out of courtWhen you start a business, everything feels all shiny and perfect. Unfortunately, many businesses eventually have to deal with a legal dispute at some point. But there’s no need to worry—when legal disputes arise in a small or large business, you need someone who will be able to advise you on the best course of action and conscientiously defend your interests.

Choose Attorney Howell to represent you

Torrence L. Howell will always work hard to resolve your business dispute outside of court through mediation and arbitration. But if a trial becomes necessary, you can count on him to represent you with the utmost respect, professionalism, and determination to achieve your intended outcome. He’s helped resolve countless business disputes in and out of the court system during over thirteen years of experience. When he’s on your side, you can be confident that you’ve picked an excellent lawyer to represent you. Free yourself up to keep focusing on the needs of growing your business while business law expert Torrence L. Howell handles your business dispute.

Call for a free consultation about your business dispute today: (909) 920-0908.

Dealing with a Breach of Contract Legal Situation? Call Attorney Torrence L. Howell

Dealing with a Breach of Contract Legal Situation? Call Attorney Torrence L. Howell Many people don’t realize the weight contracts hold for businesses, but they could be considered the glue that holds the whole operation together successfully. When a contract is breached and what was promised by one company to another isn’t delivered, the law steps in to defend the legality of the contract and demand that the agreement be upheld.


For example, if a vendor doesn’t deliver goods they had promised to under contract, the company can bring the vendor to court and demand that the contract be upheld.

Contracts must be written meticulously

That’s why contracts must be written very carefully so that if there’s a problem in the future, the contracts will hold up in court. Attorney Howell has a vast amount of experience in these kinds of cases, and he can aptly advise you on how to soundly prepare contracts and defend these contracts in court for you, if that becomes necessary.

Your business’ success depends on it

The life of your business could very well depend on the legal soundness of your contracts—so make sure you hire the best business law attorney in Southern California: Torrence L. Howell.

Call for a free consultation today: (909) 920-0908.

How can the law offices of Torrence L. Howell help you through Business Litigation?

How can the law offices of Torrence L. Howell help you through Business Litigation?Torrence L. Howell has helped businesses with legal matters in the Southern California area for more than 13 years. He has experience dealing with all legal issues that come up with business, especially because he’s been the sole proprietor of his law business for so long. He has the personal and professional expertise to advise you on all legal matters pertaining to your business, including (but not limited to) business litigation, breach of contract issues, business disputes, change of ownership, change in corporate structure, and contract law. If you’d like to discuss any legal concerns you have about your business, don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation at (909) 920-0908 or info@torrencelhowelllaw.com.

Business litigation

Attorney Howell has successfully dealt with many cases related to business litigation. Whether you need to begin litigation against another business or corporation or need a firm defense against litigation that has been started against you, Attorney Howell is an excellent choice to represent you.

Specializes in Business and Family Law

Since his specialties are business and family law, both often coincide when small business owners go through a divorce and worry about their business being dissolved in order to properly divide marital assets. That’s where Attorney Howell’s attention to detail and determination come in very handy—he knows the complex ins and outs of the California legal system to save your business from dissolution in the event of a divorce. Relax—you’re in good hands with the law office of Torrence L. Howell. Call for a free consultation about your specific case today—(909) 920-0908.

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Nam ut dictum purus

Nam ut dictum purus. Nulla hendrerit velit a lacinia tincidunt. Nunc faucibus pretium velit, egestas tincidunt tortor fringilla id. Cras pulvinar, ex at finibus facilisis, turpis purus sodales leo, a pretium libero est a lorem. Aliquam vel sodales purus. Maecenas risus dolor, consectetur dapibus ex vitae, ullamcorper dictum arcu. Nam elementum diam eu arcu euismod elementum. Morbi vitae varius quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Nullam vehicula sed mi tincidunt molestie. Curabitur dignissim sapien vel ipsum pretium ornare. Ut at tempor mauris, et lobortis erat. Maecenas purus mauris, porttitor dictum justo at, facilisis posuere lorem. Suspendisse vehicula urna eget nibh malesuada mattis. Phasellus blandit cursus eros, vitae sodales massa. Quisque eu est erat. Curabitur elit nisi, sodales vitae diam vel, consectetur suscipit arcu. Phasellus at ornare justo. Vestibulum congue ipsum et augue gravida mattis. Phasellus gravida nec nisi vel venenatis. Phasellus egestas hendrerit vehicula.

Welcome to Our New Website

Check back soon for more blog posts

Welcome to our new website. Everything has been completed revamped and redesigned to serve your needs better. We hope you’ll enjoy exploring this new, user-friendly site. We’ve made an effort to provide comprehensive information about our services and areas of expertise here, but should you have any questions please feel free to contact us at (909) 920-0908. Our expert staff is always happy to assist in whatever way we can.

Please check back here a few times per month for timely and informative blog posts on a variety of topics that may be of interest to you. You can expect to see an intriguing collection of articles developing here, from how-to posts to lists of tips & tricks to more in-depth articles that will give you a better understanding of our business & service areas.

Happy web surfing!

Updated Family Code Allows Kids to Have More than Two Legal Parents

Recent changes to the California Family Code allow courts to assign parental rights & responsibilities to more than two legal parents

Child custodyEach year, our legislators make many changes to California’s laws. Some of these changes are minor, while others have far-reaching implications. Starting in 2014, the newly amended Family Code will provide for child custody rights and child support responsibilities to be shared among more than two parents when the circumstances of a case merit such an approach.

An Example of a Claim for Multiple Parents

One possible example of a case in which a child might be considered to have more than two parents would be a child whose biological parents divorced and subsequently married other people. The child would be very likely to form a close bond with their new stepparents. If their biological parent and one of the stepparents also get divorced, and the child is separated from their stepparent, this could have a “devastating psychological and emotional impact” as the legislators put it. To avoid traumatizing the child, a family law court would have to award joint custody to 3 individuals: the biological mother and father and the newly divorced stepparent. This is now possible under the updated law.

Determining Child Custody with Multiple Parents

In cases where more than two people meet the requirements for establishing a claim to parentage under the Uniform Parentage Act, judges are now directed by law to consider awarding custody and visitation rights to any and all parental figures that may qualify. As in the past, judges will continue to consider what is best for the child as their most important criterion for awarding custody. With more have one other person potentially competing for a share of custody rights, it is more important than ever for parents to engage a skilled child custody attorney to help plead their case for custody or visitation.

Calculating Child Support with Multiple Parents

The formula used to complete the California Child Support Calculation remains unchanged in the updated Family Code. However, it will now be possible to split child support obligations three or more ways when a child truly does have three or more adults fulfilling the role of a legal parent. It is important for parents engaged in child support disputes to realize that this possibility exists, as arguing for shared child support from multiple parents can result in a better home environment for the child.

Are You Facing a Tough Family Law Decision?

Our client decision checklist can help

Are You Facing a Tough Family Law Decision?If you are facing a tough family law decision, you need to be sure you are aware of all your options, obligations, and rights. Consulting with an experienced family law attorney like Torrence L. Howell can definitely help, but if you don’t feel ready for this step, you may wish to consult our client decision checklist first. This checklist will help you understand some of the issues that will need to be considered in conjunction with various family law decisions.

Child Custody Issues

Some of the issues that need to be considered in a child custody case include:

  • Type of custody sought (physical and/or legal)
  • Decision-making rights & responsibilities of each parent
  • Access and visitation schedules for parents and grandparents
  • Restrictions on foreign travel
  • Access to school and medical records

Child Support Issues

Some of the issues that need to be considered in a child custody case include:

  • Amount of child support that is needed/appropriate
  • Schedule for making/receiving payments
  • Extra expenses (tuition, summer camp, extracurricular activities, etc.)
  • When the child will be considered emancipated (at a certain age, after college, after marriage, after moving out, etc.)
  • Support for medical expenses or medical insurance coverage
    • Alimony Issues

      Some of the issues that need to be considered in an alimony case include:

      • Amount of alimony that is needed/appropriate
      • Schedule for making/receiving payments
      • Type of alimony (temporary, rehabilitative, transitional, permanent)
      • Duration of alimony

      Divorce Property Distribution Issues

      While there are many issues that need to be considered in a divorce, property distribution is often one of the most contentious. Here are some of the issues that need to be considered when dividing up property and assets:

      • Which assets are shared
      • Valuation of assets (personal and business)
      • How non-cash assets will be distributed
      • How business assets will be handled
      • Which spouse will retain the home and how the other spouse will be compensated
      • A schedule for selling any real estate or other marital property
      • Tax liability associated with the above decisions

      Get Expert Advice

      If you are going through any of the above family law issues, you can get expert advice about your rights, options, and obligations from Torrence L. Howell. He will work hard to ensure that your interests are represented during the family law proceeding, whether it is taking place at trial or in a negotiation. Contact Torrence L. Howell today to schedule your free consultation.


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My ex-wife hired an attorney which prompted me to do so for our divorce. Torrence Howell was highly recommended from a friend of mine who used Torrence’s services for a divorce just like mine. The results came out much better than he ever thought it would. With all things being equal I felt Torrence would

-Anonymous May 23, 2018

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