All posts by Torrence Howell

How Can You Prove You Deserve More Parental Rights?

Learn how previously “unfit” parents can petition the court for increased contact with their kids.

How Can You Prove You Deserve More Parental Rights?In the state of California, the court makes custody and visitation orders based on what is proven to be in the best interests of the children. This is assumed to be frequent contact with both parents, unless some sort of extenuating circumstance applies and makes one of the parents “unfit” to have contact with their kids. Unfit parents are typically denied physical custody and may be given limited supervised visitation or no visitation at all.

If you have been denied custody or visitation on the grounds that you are unfit in some way, this isn’t necessarily a permanent defeat. If you can prove that you have changed your life for the better and are no longer unfit, Torrence L. Howell can help you petition for a modification to your child custody and visitation agreement that will allow you appropriate contact with your children.

Here are some example scenarios showing why a parent might have been declared unfit and how they could prove they have changed.

Parent was addicted to drugs or alcohol: Completing a substance abuse program and joining a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous can provide excellent evidence that a parent has conquered the substance abuse issues that previously interfered with their ability to parent their children. Compliance with drug testing would also be helpful.

Parent was unable to provide a safe, stable home environment: Sometimes parents are denied custody because they don’t have a safe place for their children to stay. Maybe they are homeless or maybe they live with another individual who is involved in criminal activity, addicted to drugs, or abusive. It may be necessary to have a social worker visit to confirm that you have moved to a better living situation.

Parent was involved in criminal activity or incarcerated: Successful completion of a criminal sentence including all the terms of probation, as well as staying out of trouble for a significant period of time, can help prove that you have paid your debt to society and are not going to be a bad influence on your children. In general, the court mainly concerns itself only with criminal activities that are relevant to parenting.

Parent was too ill to care for the child: Securing a clean bill of mental and/or physical health should prove that you deserve more contact with and responsibility for your children.

Get Started Now

You can contact the Law Offices of Torrence L. Howell right now for a free consultation to help determine if you are a good candidate for requesting modifications to your child custody and visitation agreements.

Jury Rules on iTunes Antitrust Trial

Case demonstrates how juggling conflicting demands can sometimes get businesses in trouble.

Jury Rules on iTunes Antitrust TrialAfter 10 years in court, a class action suit accusing Apple of anti-competitive practices has finally been closed. The case, which was brought on behalf of 8 million iPod owners, alleged that Apple deliberately engaged in practices designed to force out competition and maintain its position as the dominant company in the digital music industry.

The attorney for the plaintiffs presented evidence showing that Apple issued an update that deleted music off of customers’ iPods without telling them. The update accomplished this by requiring users to reset their iPods every time they downloaded music from certain iTunes competitors. When the device rebooted after the reset, the non-iTunes tracks were suddenly missing.

Apple defended its actions as being inspired not by a plan to dominate the market but by a need to abide by the provisions of its contractual obligations to record labels. Apple founder Steve Jobs characterized the company’s position as “very scared” of being in non-compliance with the record labels. Apple had promised the record labels that they would protect the DRM (digital rights management) rights of artists and labels. Therefore, the company believed it could not allow tracks that had been downloaded from other sources and most likely lacked copyright encryption to be used.

The plaintiffs requested $350 million dollars in damages, covering not only deleted music but also the increase in the cost of Apple music products that the company’s alleged anti-competitive tactics caused. However, Apple will not have to pay a dime because in this case the jury found the company not guilty.

This case is interesting on multiple different levels. One important lesson for business owners is that attempting to balance conflicting demands from vendors and customers can sometimes lead to situations where it seems there is no “right” choice that will satisfy everyone. For example, in this case Apple had the choice of taking actions that could violate extremely important contracts or taking actions that would frustrate and alienate consumers. Either way, the action could potentially lead to a legal dispute. In this case it seems Apple made the right choice based on the jury’s decision.

How to Resolve Your Contract Dispute Out of Court

If you own a business, the idea of being tied up in court fighting out a contract dispute or other legal issue for 10 years probably fills you with dread. Fortunately, there are other options that can be utilized to bright contract disputes to an acceptable resolution without wasting years in court.

The very first thing to do is consult a business attorney like Torrence L. Howell with experience in contract law. Your attorney can review the details of your case and advise you of the strength of your legal position. This will help you decide what outcome to pursue in the case and how hard to push for it.

Once prepped by your attorney, you can then engage the services of an arbitrator or negotiator to help you work out a deal with the other party. In most cases, the other party doesn’t want to go to court either and you should be able to reach some kind of resolution in this way.

4 Things to Avoid Before Divorce

Avoid these 4 common mistakes to protect your position in a divorce.

4 Things to Avoid Before DivorceContested divorces have the potential to become quite bitter, especially in cases where one spouse may not want the divorce. All too often, one or more of the parties will try to gain an advantage for themselves by coming up with what they think is a brilliant plan for gaming the system or intimidating their spouse. However, taking such action can backfire, with potentially serious consequences. Learn about 4 common mistakes often made during the divorce process and why you should avoid them.

Hiding Income from the Courts

One common error divorcing spouses make is to try to hide assets or income from one another in an attempt to influence their property division or support agreements. However, very few individuals have the knowledge or ability to hide assets and income effectively. Simply leaving them off the disclosure list will not work. The deception ends up being uncovered by the other spouse’s attorney and/or forensic accountant, and contempt of court could apply.

Quitting Your Job

Sometimes people get the idea into their heads that they should quit their job (or deliberately get fired) in order to avoid having to pay a high amount of alimony or child support. This is another mistake you want to avoid. If your ex can prove that you have the ability and opportunity to work at the same level of compensation you had previously, you will not escape your support obligations. This strategy can’t be used by a low-earning spouse to secure more support either.

Being Hateful on Social Media

When emotions run high during a divorce, it can be very tempting to vent on social media. However, you need to be very careful about what you say and how you say it. Worst case scenario, making threats that reasonably cause your ex to fear for their safety could expose you to criminal penalties. Even if no criminal charges are brought, you risk having your angry or hateful statements used against you in a custody battle.

Domestic Violence

Sadly, in some cases spouses resort to emotional or even physical abuse in an attempt to intimidate or frighten their ex into agreeing with their terms for the divorce. This is a huge mistake, as a history of domestic violence would almost certainly affect the outcome of your case if your spouse decided to pursue litigation. You might lose custody of your kids as well as the right to receive alimony from the abused spouse. Plus, you could face criminal prosecution.

Get Expert Advice Now

If you want to learn more about what you can do to protect your rights and interests in a divorce case, reach out to experienced divorce attorney Torrence L. Howell today.

Child Custody and Your Prior Criminal Record

Learn how your criminal record may affect your ability to secure custody or visitation rights.

Child Custody and Your Prior Criminal RecordWhen determining whether or not parents will share custody of their children, the court’s primary objective is to provide for the best interests of the children. Typically this is assumed to be ample contact with both parents, except in certain circumstances where one parent may be deemed unfit for this responsibility. A criminal past may be one such circumstance, but it does not necessarily have to be a permanent impediment to time with your kids.

What Kinds of Convictions May Be Considered?

Under Family Code section 3011, the court is given broad powers to consider any factors that it deems relevant to a parent’s fitness for physical custody or visitation. This can potentially include convictions for any type of crime as well as any evidence of past criminal conduct that the child’s other parent may present. However, in most cases the court is only concerned with criminal conduct that relates to parenting and affects the child’s safety or well-being. For example, a conviction for or even a history of domestic violence would be very detrimental to your attempts to gain custody, as would a history of sex crimes or crimes involving drugs or alcohol. Convictions for white collar crimes such as fraud are typically given less weight. The court will also consider the amount of time that has passed since the crime and whether you can present evidence that you have reformed.

Will Expunging a Conviction Help?

While expungement offers a means of “erasing” certain types of criminal convictions from your official record so that potential employers don’t see them, government entities will still see these records, and the court may consider them when making a judgment in a child custody case. However, going through the effort of getting an expungement can still help your case, as a court may perceive it as evidence that you have rehabilitated yourself from your past criminal conduct.

When to Seek Child Custody Modifications

Either parent may initiate a petition to modify the custody or visitation agreement under appropriate circumstances. For example, if you have relapsed into criminal conduct your co-parent may attempt to use this to get joint custody revoked, to require supervision for visits, or to revoke visitation altogether. However, as time passes and you continue to be law-abiding, comply with all requirements of the custody agreement, and demonstrate responsible parenting, you may be able to convince the court that you deserve the ability to exercise more of your parental rights to your children. Completing all the terms of your probation as well as undergoing substance abuse treatment or anger management counseling as may be appropriate can also be powerful factors in influencing the court to give you more time with your kids.

If you would like to discuss your options for child custody modifications, please contact Torrence L. Howell today.

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Nam ut dictum purus

Nam ut dictum purus. Nulla hendrerit velit a lacinia tincidunt. Nunc faucibus pretium velit, egestas tincidunt tortor fringilla id. Cras pulvinar, ex at finibus facilisis, turpis purus sodales leo, a pretium libero est a lorem. Aliquam vel sodales purus. Maecenas risus dolor, consectetur dapibus ex vitae, ullamcorper dictum arcu. Nam elementum diam eu arcu euismod elementum. Morbi vitae varius quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Nullam vehicula sed mi tincidunt molestie. Curabitur dignissim sapien vel ipsum pretium ornare. Ut at tempor mauris, et lobortis erat. Maecenas purus mauris, porttitor dictum justo at, facilisis posuere lorem. Suspendisse vehicula urna eget nibh malesuada mattis. Phasellus blandit cursus eros, vitae sodales massa. Quisque eu est erat. Curabitur elit nisi, sodales vitae diam vel, consectetur suscipit arcu. Phasellus at ornare justo. Vestibulum congue ipsum et augue gravida mattis. Phasellus gravida nec nisi vel venenatis. Phasellus egestas hendrerit vehicula.

Proin quis venenatis leo

Proin quis venenatis leo. Morbi pulvinar egestas nulla id condimentum. Proin ut porttitor ex. Aenean cursus placerat dolor in auctor. Mauris feugiat porttitor faucibus. Nullam ex lacus, placerat ut eros sit amet, molestie euismod ex. Donec id felis turpis. Sed sodales dui id dolor convallis fermentum. Nunc dictum, augue interdum auctor fermentum, dui ipsum posuere risus, ac dignissim augue sapien et quam. Sed dapibus, enim id vehicula blandit, eros erat convallis orci, consectetur vestibulum enim urna vitae risus. Mauris vestibulum ultricies mauris. Curabitur volutpat ultrices metus id egestas.

Aliquam nec tortor ut eros egestas mattis quis id tellus

Aliquam nec tortor ut eros egestas mattis quis id tellus. Nullam vitae laoreet ipsum, sed finibus sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur convallis elementum arcu, eu varius odio pharetra non. Donec aliquam eleifend magna et tincidunt. Vestibulum maximus faucibus eros, quis sagittis nibh ornare eu. Vivamus a felis ipsum. In mollis convallis quam quis bibendum. Pellentesque tristique imperdiet nulla, id tempor arcu lobortis id. Maecenas turpis ipsum, fermentum eu elit nec, aliquam rhoncus enim. Aliquam diam arcu, convallis et felis non, faucibus ultricies magna. Nulla hendrerit odio sit amet odio vehicula, a porttitor sem fringilla. Maecenas ac velit iaculis, suscipit felis vitae, posuere mi. Fusce euismod nulla eget sapien tempus malesuada. Quisque vestibulum sit amet turpis lacinia sollicitudin. Nam nec ligula nec tellus venenatis sollicitudin sed sit amet sem.

Aliquam nunc magna, pellentesque sit amet tincidunt sit amet, mollis ut lectus. Mauris sit amet molestie nibh. Nulla volutpat faucibus nulla sed convallis. Nullam sit amet dictum felis, quis efficitur massa. Etiam lacinia felis lobortis turpis hendrerit convallis. Suspendisse volutpat aliquet turpis eget aliquam. In at ullamcorper libero. Nam imperdiet fringilla porta. Donec pharetra ut lectus sit amet facilisis. Aenean sed libero sit amet risus posuere varius. Sed sed lacus a justo mollis placerat quis eget nisi. Nunc blandit nisi eu dui pulvinar, a ullamcorper ligula tempor. Ut cursus sit amet nunc at efficitur. Donec auctor, quam at euismod condimentum, nisl justo cursus purus, ut facilisis urna arcu eu est. Vestibulum vel cursus mi. Morbi vitae ipsum ut est volutpat ultrices vitae vel sem.

Ut porta augue vitae metus eleifend egestas

Vivamus vel hendrerit orci. Curabitur non iaculis neque. In at aliquet sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi quis tempor dolor. Nam consequat sem posuere laoreet lacinia. Donec eget diam porta, sodales felis sed, suscipit metus. Aliquam finibus consectetur convallis. Nulla justo nibh, rutrum aliquet est vitae, lacinia faucibus est. Sed quis vehicula nibh. Maecenas vehicula vehicula semper. Nunc erat risus, lobortis nec condimentum eu, lobortis eu velit. Integer eu scelerisque magna, quis blandit est. Aenean at nisi dui. Nulla eu massa nunc.

Ut porta augue vitae metus eleifend egestas. Nunc quis purus mattis, aliquam odio at, suscipit ante. Praesent auctor dolor mi, a ornare sem euismod ac. Sed commodo lacus pulvinar sapien tempus, nec malesuada leo tincidunt. Sed molestie consectetur nisi eu gravida. Sed vitae nunc metus. Morbi purus felis, auctor malesuada orci sed, laoreet tristique leo.

Quisque quis leo ullamcorper, malesuada velit eget, tincidunt lorem. Duis eu eros at neque porta hendrerit. Aenean egestas nisi enim, vitae mattis sem interdum vel. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc eleifend purus vitae arcu finibus, et aliquet libero sagittis. Integer vitae enim vitae diam fermentum sollicitudin. Quisque efficitur, tortor laoreet faucibus posuere, dui magna vehicula erat, non aliquam est risus vel justo. Nam nec maximus augue, sagittis fermentum felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed vehicula metus magna, at semper purus facilisis vitae.

Spousal Support and Retirement

While retirement does not guarantee an automatic reduction in alimony, it is a good time to reevaluate your spousal support order.

Spousal Support and RetirementIf a spousal support order was included in your divorce decree, you are no doubt familiar with the various considerations that the court may use to calculate the amount of support that must be paid. These considerations include the length of the marriage, the standard of living during the marriage, the high-earning spouse’s income, and the supported spouse’s ability to become self-sufficient. Considering that a high-earning spouse’s income typically takes a big hit at retirement, it might seem reasonable to assume that alimony should be automatically reduced or even ended at retirement. In reality, the question of spousal support after retirement is much more complex.

Whether you or your ex is the one paying alimony, it would be wise to reevaluate your alimony agreement now so that the process of requesting any necessary modifications may begin as promptly as possible after retirement.

Is the Supported Spouse Still Single?

In some cases, the question of alimony after retirement can be avoided completely due to the supported spouse entering a new relationship. If your ex gets remarried the alimony should be terminated, and if your ex can be proven to be cohabiting with a long-term partner and enjoying reduced living expenses as a result, the alimony should be reduced. Or course you don’t have to wait for retirement to approach to consider chancing alimony based on these factors, but you should not fail to consider them at retirement.

Recalculate Both Spouses’ Income

In the years following divorce, ideally the supported spouse will have moved towards greater self-sufficiency and be earning more income. This may reduce their need for alimony. As the spouse paying alimony enters retirement, typically their income will decrease, and the court must acknowledge this reduced ability to pay. It is important to remember that the ability to pay support is based on income, not assets. So while the income from retirement investments may be considered, the principals of those investments may not.

Check Social Security Benefits

The ability of the supported spouse to collect Social Security should also be considered, as getting Social Security benefits can help the supported spouse continue to make ends meet while helping to lift the burden of alimony from the paying spouse. Spouses can collect benefits from their ex’s work history, provided that the couple was married for at least 10 consecutive years, the working spouse paid Social Security tax for at least 10 years, and the low-earning spouse is not married. Any alimony being paid will be deducted from the supported spouse’s benefit.